in b4 News

Images Optimization feature available within the Automation Manager

After updating b4 V7.4 SP1 with the hotfix 206051, a new functionality is available in the Automation Manager with which you can optimize the images in your recordings.

Normally, during the recording implementation process, a full image of the screenshot is captured and stored in the database, while only a small part of it is used for the b4 actions "image search" or "wait for image". This gives users the ability to change the area of the image to search / wait for. However, keeping such a complete image consumes a significant amount of disk space, which affects the database and disk space used.

The image optimization function offers the possibility to reduce the image size only to the required square of the search, including the required click points outside the square.

Images can be optimized ad-hoc in the Automation Manager via the Console File menu, as well as when a corresponding popup is displayed in which you are asked whether you want to optimize.